Oromos flee Ethiopia because of Oppressions 
(January 28, 2009) Ethiopia's current situation is truly terrible. In addition to the major detentions and assassinations of citizens; corruption has become rampant. Nowadays, many are fleeing their country and each month more than 500 Oromos are crossing the boarder into Kenya, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia and Yemen to seek refuge. The figure is in fact increasing alarmingly (Watch video). Full Report
Over 5,000 persons languishing in TPLF regime’s secret prisons, defecting soldiers say
(January 27, 2009) Deputy inspector Yehaulashet Alebachew Delele, who is himself a victim of the atrocities and arrived to Eritrea along with three other soldier, stated that many of the detention inmates have been exposed to death in the prisons described as "Guantanamo Ethiopia". Full Report
Proving Zenawi's Mission in Somalia Not Accomplished 
(January 24, 2009) Ethiopia's Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has declared "mission accomplished" in Somalian. His victory speech, however, may be intended to deceive Ethiopian public and to divert the reality on the ground that his troops were hobbled down in Somalia and that he exculpated the defeat and claimed falsely a victory. Full Report
Mass graves accidentally uncovered in an Ethiopian prison
(January 24, 2009) On Tuesday this week, construction workers have accidentally discovered mass graves inside the notorious Central Investigation's (Maekelawi) detention center that is located behind the Addis Ababa Police Commission. Full Report
Obama’s Inaugural Address: Warns corrupt leaders (The beginning of the end of a brutal dictator Meles Zenawi)
"To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."
(January 20, 2009) Barack Obama took the Oath of Office at 12:05 p.m. on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. Immediately following, he delivered his Inaugural Address to a sea of flag-waving Americans, which stretched down the National Mall to the Lincoln Memorial and beyond. The full text of his address is below (Watch Video) . Full Report
President of Ethiopia's Benishangul-Gumuz region defected
(January 19, 2009) President of Ethiopia's Benishangul-Gumuz region, Yaregal Aysheshum,
has defected and joined the opposition camp earlier this month.Yaregal was particularly disconcerted by Woyanne's recent
instigation of ethnic conflicts between Oromos and Benishangul, which
finally led him to join the opposition Movement. Full Report
The Meles Family & Corruption
(January 19, 2009) Azeb Mesfin, the wife of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, takes no mean interest in the world of business and sometimes has been highly interventionist in defending the commercial interests of those close to her. Full Report
Human Rights Watch World Report 2009: Ethiopia
(January 17, 2009) The Ethiopian government's human rights record remains poor, marked by an ever-hardening intolerance towards meaningful political dissent or independent criticism. Ethiopian military forces have continued to commit war crimes and other serious abuses with impunity in the course of counterinsurgency campaigns in Ethiopia and in neighboring Somalia. Full Report
Somalia: The Strategy Behind an Ethiopian Pullback
(January 14, 2009) Ethiopian troops pulled out of four bases in the Somalian capital,
Mogadishu, on Jan. 13. The withdrawal occurred at bases in neighborhoods of
northern Mogadishu that are strongholds of al Shabab, a hard-line Islamist
militia. Full Report
TPLF's Latest Deceptive Ploy To Hide The Truth: "Withdrawing from Mogadishu"
Woyane's Crimes against Somalia: War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide.
(January 13, 2009) Humanitarian agencies estimate that over 10,000 Somali civilians have been killed and over 2 million were made homeless as a direct result of the invasion of Somalia by Meles Zenawi's regime. Thousands of young Ethiopians who were sent to fight the senseless war in Somalia have been wounded and killed in vain. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent in the war that could have been used to feed starving children. In short, the decision by the Meles dictatorship to invade Somalia had been extremely harmful to Ethiopia and the whole Horn of Africa region. Meles Zenawi and all the government officials in Ethiopia who had planned and executed the Somalia invasion must be held accountable for not only harming the short and long term interests of Ethiopia in the region, but equally importantly for committing war crimes, including torture, rape and mass murder against Somali civilians. Full Report
Meles gets headache after standoff between him and Teshome Toga
(January 12, 2009) Meles Zenawi accused Teshome Toga, speaker of Ethiopia's parliament of spending the government's money on trips and entertainment instead of fulfilling his functions. Full Report
US warns Ethiopia new law could curtail aid
(January 11, 2009) The United States, Ethiopia's main donor, warned Friday that a new law adopted by Addis Ababa restricting foreign-funded aid groups may curtail its assistance. Full Report
TPLF/EPRDF is Not Evacuating Somalia
(January 10, 2009) Addressing the international community, Mohamed Hassan Haad, chairman of the Council of Elders said that Ethiopia continues with its genocide and has defied its pledge to vacate by January 5, 2009, which casts doubt about its troop withdrawal from Somalia. Full Report
CIVICUS – A Voice for the Voiceless and Tyrannized Oromos, Afars, Ogadenis and Sidamas
(January 9, 2009) As in previous articles (Worldwide Indignation Against the Inhuman Abyssinian Tyranny – Devastating Critique of the Disgraceful Law on Charities, Passed in Ethiopia. Full Report
TPLF New Law in Ethiopia Ratchets up Repression
(January 8, 2009) On January 6, 2009, Ethiopia's parliament enacted a new law on nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that criminalizes most human rights work in the country, Human Rights Watch said today. Full Report
The political scene: The authorities clamp down on suspected Oromo rebels
(January 5, 2009) The authorities launched a major crackdown on suspected Oromo rebels in November, arresting about 100 people, including members of the Oromo Federal Democratic Movement (OFDM) and the Oromo People's Congress (OPC). Full Report
Ethiopian [Woyane] Regime Continues to Arrest Oromos : At least 3 have been apprehended from Finfinnee
(OLF News, January 1, 2009) OLF News sources reported that the current TPLF-Ethiopian government is sending a large number of intelligence personnel [spies] to several towns and rural areas in the Eastern Harargee zone of Eastern Oromia for the purpose of getting information about the Oromo Liberation Army. Full Report